Since some 10 years I've had a lot of disorganized thoughts about a cloud like program execution environment where procedures and procedure environments jumps between processors/runboxes as dictated by need. This is the start-up of this project, which borrows the name Enûma Eliš [ɛˈnuːma ˈɛːlɪʃ] and module names from the Babylonian mythos of Enûma Eliš.
This project is going to be programmed according to a specification, rather than ad-hoc like my older star map generation project ★ sternons. There will be a virtual machine execution environment, a tuple database system (NoSQL), and some fantastic qualities. The project is more like a research for programs with personalities using a cloud of execution boxes, rather than a project to produce Web 3.0 or something fantastic like Google, Facebook, Skype or similar. I'm doing this for personal interest.